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Holdrege Public Schools | July 3, 2024

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Posts By holdrege_admin

Kerry Waller is Winner of the Kenneth Kolscheen Teacher Choice Award

May 6, 2020

Congratulations to Kerry Waller on receiving the Kenneth Kolscheen Teacher Choice Award for 2020. Kerry was nominated by fellow teachers because “she is an advocate for ALL and especially those that need more help as well as those that are … Read More

6th Grade Social Studies Classes Create Totem Poles

November 8, 2019

by Heidi Wells and Claire Maloley

The Sixth grade was studying the Northwest Coast Indians and created totem poles representing their families.  The following is an example by Claire Maloley of the animals she chose and explanations why.  

First of … Read More

Q1 Winners For Being Prepared

October 22, 2019

by Mary Schneider

Congratulations to these 6th graders for being responsible!!!

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