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Holdrege Public Schools | March 6, 2025

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Give2Grow – HPS Foundation Focuses on Bus Safety!

Sandy Dunaway

GIVE2GROW is a one-day fundraising event on November 14th. It’s your chance to make a real impact when your gift to the HPS Foundation is matched by the Phelps County Community Foundation. Your investment is guaranteed dividends! You can make your donation online beginning October 14th. Walk-in donations will also be accepted at the Phelps County Community Foundation office on November 14th.

Student bus passengers are most vulnerable when they are in the loading zone to board or exit. School bus stop arm violations are a local and nation-wide concern. HPS is seeking to install surveillance equipment on six route buses in an effort to increase safety and enforcement for stop arm violations. Your donation will help fund this project, which will require funding of approximately $12,500.

Schedule your Give2Grow donation at

The HPS Foundation’s Mission is to support and enhance the educational efforts of HPS students and teachers by funding innovative and challenging programs, learning experiences, and activities. In 1988, the PCCF established an endowment to benefit the school system and retain quality education. Funds can be used for inservice, visiting teachers, specialized programs, capital expenditures, and equipment. Since inception, approximately $250,000 has been granted for the benefit of students.