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Holdrege Public Schools | December 22, 2024

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HPS ESSER Proposal Review by Public

James Reed

According to the requirements for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency (ESSER) III fund included in the ARP Act of 2021, public schools across the nation have been provided funds to help in actions to recover from the academic, physical and social impacts of the pandemic. The funds are distributed according to formula that includes the size and needs of districts.  There are requirements and limitations as to what the funds can be used for, and one of the requirements focuses on transparency through the solicitation of public comment from students, families, and other patrons of the school district on the proposed use of the resources.  Holdrege Public Schools has developed a proposal for the use of our designated funds over the course of the allowable 4-year period beginning with the 2020-21 school year.  The HPS plan is shown with this article. Interested parties may click on the link provided below to access a survey that will provide the opportunity to comment on the proposal.

Click on the link below to access the survey: