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Holdrege Public Schools | March 9, 2025

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MEDIA RELEASE – March 12, 2020 COVID-19 Information

James Reed

MEDIA RELEASE – March 12, 2020
COVID-19 Information

Over the past several weeks, we have been carefully monitoring the activity of COVID-19. Currently, we
are not aware of any COVID-19 virus in our school district. This virus is new, and we will learn much more
about it over time. We believe it is wise for us all to prepare now in order to better manage the
adjustments we may need to make in our daily activities in the future. A vaccine for COVID-19 will likely
not be available for a minimum of 6-months, but there are measures we can take now.
As COVID-19 spreads worldwide, we must prepare for the possibility that the school systems may be
impacted by cases either directly with students or staff contracting the virus, or indirectly through a
closure. Closing school is one of the current options available to help control the spread of the virus by
limiting inter-personal contact. Please note that this is not yet a recommended measure, and we will
follow CDC and/or Nebraska Department of Education guidelines as to when or if this may be necessary.
Additional steps in preparation to be taking NOW include the following:
• Make sure your emergency contact lists are up to date.
• Continue to follow information and advice from Two Rivers Public Health Department.
• If you are sick, stay at home, do not come to school.
• Ensure supplies are on hand to upgrade cleaning and disinfecting measures. Note that supply
shortages are possible and anticipated in the event of a large-scale outbreak.
• Parents should plan for what you would do with your children if school were to be closed for a
week or longer.
Regularly washing hands and ‘basic’ hygiene measures (for example, covering your cough, not touching
your face, and social distancing) continue to be the most effective measures to prevent the spread of
viruses and other germs. Preparation now can aid in delaying the spread of the virus and can reduce the
impact of the virus. Each individual family will need to consider taking the steps that are best suited in
reducing the impact of COVID-19. We continue to prepare for the spread of COVID-19 in our community,
while remaining hopeful it will not happen.
Sources of further information on non-pharmaceutical interventions for households:
Information can also be obtained from Two Rivers Public Health Department at (888) 669-7154 or visit Follow TRPHD on Facebook and Twitter (@TRPublicHealth)
Holdrege Public Schools will utilize standard communication protocols to provide information to
parents/guardians. Visit our website at or follow Holdrege Public Schools on Facebook
and Twitter (@HoldregeDusters).